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In the last 2 decades, Global companies, especially those based in the USA, have increasingly started outsourcing their projects. According to a study approximately 65% of these USA Clients have outsourced their projects to Indian development companies. Many Fortune 500 companies like Google, Microsoft, IBM, and CISCO have outsourced their project to India in the […]

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Node.js also provides a bank of JavaScript modules that streamlines the process of development of web applications to a large degree.

| 4330

You have to focus on every element of it while the Software is developing and proceed step by step. For your help, here we have covered almost all the points that you need to make a checklist of and ensure the all-round quality of the development process.

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While developing ERP for hospital management, it is important to understand its different components and their functionalities. Each of the components contains subcategories and a dashboard to access the data by the authorized person.

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